Friday, July 17, 2009



“ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, let there be light, and there was light.’ ( Genesis 1: l-3 )

Come nearer, you my Maker
Words lie there formless , dead, waiting for meaning
Come and fill this void with light
Name the nameless, conquer the loneliness of this land
Inhabit this empty heart
The breath of your spirit:
The deep made Eden.

The Seed

“ He also said, “ This is what the Kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground.” ( Mark : 4:26)

There goes out a sower
A field to plough , soils to dig
In the desert, a garden grower
Fighting against the prig.

Shallow soil, grain withered away
Scattered along the path, put to scorn
Eaten by fowls, hope gone ashtray
Heir of death, planted among the thorn .

Seed scattered on willing ground
One knows not how
All by itself , a way is found
Less than all that be.
Springs, sprout – a bough .
Birds perch in this shade.
Such a treasure! The heart swayed
A secret land, not toiled by human hand.

Harvest time:
Seed for the reaper
Bread for the hunger.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Stolen Identily

“ For I take no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Sovereign Lord...’ ( Ezekiel 18:32)

Stolen Identity

Someone died
Poor him! Nobody noticed him
His solitude, his loneliness, his plea !
His emptiness was so full of glory !
Nobody cried for him
They just danced for him
He was the leading role, acting his own life
He starred his own tragedy
Nobody attended his funeral
Everybody thought he was just playing
There lay just his ghost,
He was stolen from himself
The mob stole him from himself
Fame made him a nobody
Stardom made him just a ghost
As his make up wasn´t death proof
It just collapsed when they were dancing.

The sword he was slained by
Was so brilliant , so enchanting,
Nobody saw his blood...

He died while they were dancing!
They were busy , busy...
They were dancing.
Now post modernity erects him a temple.

June 26/2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


“ ... In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” ( Rm. 8:37)


Despite the boldness of the sun´s rays
Suffering blurs the creatures´ vision.
In the darkness, the horizont they gaze
Dawn, by captivity , is allowed no provision.

Down the cell , mortality holds life by fears
Death stands raping, sowing and reaping as hope is gone
While the Hidden One , found guilty of all tears
Outside, enfolded in a shroud of disbelief , waits on .

Yet, down the den, the slave sighs and whispers fling
The barren begets mighty warrior - dreams ignite
The beast is hurled through the bars , by her offspring
Darkness has brought forth the sons of the light .

Life, unconquerable, holds the pull of eternity
Frailty , under its orders, survives the attack of mortality.

Obed R. Souza
June 17/ 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

Portrait of a God / Obed R. Souza

Online news and television channels
Display his unpredictable behavior
And convincing speech – the one of a savior.
At least for those inattentive hungry souls
Trying to break into heaven´s door
To keep it well protected from somebody else´s war.

Since eternity has not granted him its touch
He disguises himself in a uniform, as a crutch
The grandiloquence of his armies
Speaks of his lack of power
Reminding us of other leaders
Such as King, Gandhi and Mandela
Who stand in history like towers
To tell us of how love can draw people nearer
And give men a cause for living
Rather than a cause worth killing for .

If you see him around - I know, you can tell!
You won´t mistake him from God... absolutely not!
But, please... don´t underestimate him, as well.
Like a spell! Behind him a flood of blood...
His boots do crush roses in bud!

There´s only one thing he fears: wings!
He hates their deadly effects!
They inspire, they fan the fire,
And spread the ashes of a liar
On the grave where once rested a king.

So, watch out for him!
You, jailer of this god´s prison...
You, who keep hope alive,
Go on being accused of high treason...
You, loaded with meaning and freedom... you, who aspire!
You, guilty of dismantling his kingdom and empire!
You, poet, philosopher, believer, you who like a bird
Spread life, love and freedom through..... your W O R D.

Please! Do not kneel before him!
Do not surrender to his whim!

Obed R.Souza / June 1, 2009

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


At the Master´s Table

“The woman came and knelt before him. “ Lord, help-me!” she said”
He replied, “ It is not right to take the children´s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
“ Yes, Lord, “, she said , “ but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters´ table. “
Then Jesus answered “ Woman, you have great faith !Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour .” ( Mattew 15:25-28)

It has been quite a short time
Since I have first realized
That palaces and king´s chambers
Are not good places for truth to hide
Because milk and honey
On their tables do not abide .

History has whispered that
Gold and silver vessels
Might not hold the meal taste
And savory dishes can be rejected
If not served by well dressed hired servants.

Where , then, can truth -
The food for the hungry
Be found?

Truth will never be clothed !
Truth accepts no bribe!
It is edible … served raw !
No flattery is accepted within the realms of this kingdom!
It carries neither scents nor spices
Of good deeds from those ones of royal descent.
It stands high in the skies , though reached only by the beggar´s empty stomach,
It might be offensive, therefore challenging
It unveils secret inner places where we feed our prejudices,
A disguise for our self-justice and pride.
It strips us off our royal rags, we cherish as ‘ ourselves’
Humility and sincerity wait on its banquet!
Offensive enough to proud lost children ,
Sharp and blunt to the scornful and disobedient,
Yet altogether gracious and tender to the humble .

Pilates turned his back to it,
The mob has sentenced it to death ,
Power has made it guilty of crimes against humanity ,
The non-believer calls it a liar and illusionist ,
Others say it kills… it poisons .

Where can truth be found , then ?

It is bred in the land of starvation
An underground world
Where comfort zones are not allowed
Under the master´s table, where the underdogs
Strive for food - celestial food.
It is sometimes seated on the ground, among the outcast …
Or in the dust of the earth, our next of kin
And where real life can be brought fourth
Where a dog lies as a dog
But rises a real son of the king of kings
Heir of the greatest of all gifts:
The honour of eating daily bread at the master´s table.
Obed R. Souza
May, 19/2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Influenza by Obed R. Souza


‘ Suddenly the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lampstand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote. His face turned pale and he was frightened that his knees knocked together and his legs gave way.” (Daniel 5:5-6)

Influenza in the headlines!
The world caught by surprise .
Despite our technological supplies
Unexpected guest got man under demise!
Nothing prepared , the cold in spread !

From the pigpen the skies drop us a note:
Tomorrow you might be nothing but a quote.
Better be wise: please, take a coat, a flask and a mask.
Before death blow away your breath.

As you might not find bottled life in shops nearby ,
Store it up, deep in your heart … the train is nigh.
Eternity will be passing by for her last call out !
Just in case it finds you naked under your coat ,
And in your flask just a scent of fine wine,

There´s no doubt! Heaven´s errands cry loud !
Beware ! Handle with care!

May 8/ 2009